Blind Surrender


My aspiration in life

Could be

To be happy

Could be

To be happy

To be happy

My aspiration in life

My aspiration in life

My aspiration in life

Could be

To be happy

To be happy

To be happy

When a man does not feel appreciated

In the area of his presence

He becomes a version of a man

That he can give you

And he can still survive

And I promise you'll not like that version

That version of him is silent


Short with his words



Because he has to become something

That he can survive

My aspiration in life

My aspiration in life

My aspiration in life

I'm way

They are in the way


Because he has to become something

That he can survive

My aspiration in life

Could be

To be happy

Could be

To be happy

Could be

To be happy

Source: Musixmatch

Songwriters: © TM Carlos Simpson

Blind Surrender: UPC: 859767420855

Song by Carlos Simpson

Artist: Carlos Simpson

Album: ATMO

Released: 2022

Genre: Alternative/Indie