
Go and make your dreams come

Making everything come the same way

Even if no one believes in you

No one cares if you make your dreams a reality

Just keep dreaming and dreaming you will make

"Everything will be just fine if you believe"

Just take me to another place

Just make the things come along

All the girl's mind and you know

All the girl's mind and you know

Just stop crying because everything will be just fine

Another day, another dream

Another nightmare, another dream

Just keep walking and grow along

Everything will be just the way you dream

Go and make your dreams a reality

Everything you say will be a reality

Oh my god everything will be just the way you say

Mama, I need you, Father, I need you more than ever before

Making your dreams a reality

Everyone knows that you exist

All your words will be in on just goal

Oh my God you are

Oh, making your dreams a reality

You know what I'm saying

Just keep walking, life is too short

If you can tell all your secrets

Mama, I'm here for you

Where have you been

They talk too much

They talk too much


Song: Yield · Carlos Simpson · CARLOS SIMPSON™ Design Studio

Album: Carlos Simpson

CARLOS SIMPSON™ Music Production

Released on: 2023-11-29


Yield (Plain lyrics)

Lyrics Credits: Carlos Simpson (UK)