Emotional Hangover

(Emotional Hangover Lyrics)

I see your soul

Beautiful and brave

I see your consciousness

You know my pain

Your pain yeah

I know your purpose

And why you are here tonight

I see your past

I know your reasons

I know your reasons

You know my pain

You ask yourself and I know your reasons

We are living on the edge

Waiting for that day

Which never comes

Waiting for tomorrow

Now I don't care

I just don't care

I just don't care

I can't hear you anymore

Because we are living in the rain

Because we are living in the rain

You have to sell me another story

We are at the limit, and we are living in the rain

The less we grow, the strength our communication

We are living in the rain

Our silent talk outside ourselves

We are opening new doors

I know your secrets

I know your silent voice

Unknowing sensations seem to be our salvation

I know your pain

I know that something is missing

I know that something is not right

I know that you don't believe in me

I know you don't trust me

And I know that you don't care anymore

You are over the edge

Because you believe

Because you can

Time, and time again you scare yourself

I know you don't trust me anymore

I know that something is missing

And you think

Ask yourself, yourself

If you ever exist or have existed

You feel the magic in the air

Close your eyes and ramble over time

An alien thought maybe

And the faster it gets

Faster she goes

Time is life

What you call the spring of life

An illusion maybe

If not again

If you don't feel

It's a little bit of you that with time passes

The illusion that remains is the magic in the air

You created and made you think that elusive way

Close your eyes and feel something hanging in the air

The memory or a piece of time

A dream or an illusion

Source: LyricFind

Songwriters: Carlos Simpson

Emotional Hangover lyrics © Carlos Simpson

Album: Illegal Migrant

Emotional Hangover · Carlos Simpson

Arranger: Carlos Simpson Music Production

Music Director: Carlos Simpson Design Studio - London

Producer: Carlos Simpson Music Production

Lead Vocals: Carlos Simpson

Mastering Engineer: Carlos Simpson Music Production

Mixing Engineer: Carlos Simpson Music Production

Sound Engineer: Carlos Simpson Music Production

Composer: Carlos Simpson


Artist: Carlos Simpson ► https://g.co/kgs/xej5nn

Song title: Emotional Hangover ► https://g.co/kgs/qVCtQf

Album: Illegal Migrant (2020) ► https://g.co/kgs/wXzeCw

Record label: Carlos Simpson Music Production ► https://g.co/kgs/cnk2rj

℗ Carlos Simpson Design Studio

Released on: 2020-10-21
