People also ask: (Q&A)

Q: What kind of music does "Carlos Simpson" do?

A: His style incorporates elements of rock, blues, soul, R&B, funk, jazz, reggae, hard rock, psychedelic, pop, folk, and ballads.

Q: What songs are "Carlos Simpson" known for?

A: Carlos Simpson is an entrepreneur, strategic graphic designer, artist, musician, and author based in London, United Kingdom. Carlos taught himself to arts at an early age. At the age of 18, he counted more than 1000 massive oil paintings on canvas, years later he studied Graphic Design at the (UWE) University of the West of England.

Q: What is the story behind "Carlos Simpson" music?

A: Carlos Simpson embarked on his musical journey with his "improvisation experiment" in 2019. Despite lacking prior experience in music, including musical instruments or vocals, Carlos was determined to start from ground zero and explore the power of improvisation. His aim was twofold: to observe the progress of his musical skills and understand the potential impact on the human brain. Today (08-2023) he has 8 released albums. "I improvise to better understand the human brain and the effect the same on the individual lives to explore feelings, the way we relate to each other, the daily situations, and the magic touch of empathy". 

Q: What is "Carlos Simpson" first album?

A: Illegal Migrant album is the first Carlos Simpson album with a release date: of 21 October 2020. This music album is one of the four albums released by Carlos Simpson in 2020, together with the book "My 2020 Lockdown Project" which is the result of the artist's "My 2020 Lockdown Project.

Q: What makes "Carlos Simpson" music unique?

A: "Carlos Simpson" music has incredible messages, they are self-motivated, and they are directed to inspire people to live together, in peace, and to make a better world for all. 

Q: What is the background of "Carlos Simpson" music?

A: Carlos Simpson gets his inspiration for music from everything around him and outside him. Also Bands such as The Cure, Radio Head, The Doors, Soulfly, Sepultura, Pearl Jam, Smashing Pumpkins, Bob Marley, and Massive Attack.

Albums by Carlos Simpson: 


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• “Carlos Simpson discography indexed by Google”.

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Release date: 12 February 2024

DK UPC: 198079399405


Record label: Carlos Simpson Music Production

CARLOS SIMPSON album by Carlos Simpson - Image Front Cover 2023

DK UPC: 810482397464

Uploaded: November 29, 2023

Release date: November 29, 2023


Record label: Carlos Simpson Music Production

Memórias do Vento Artist: Carlos Simpson Release date: 11 December 2020 Record label: Carlos Simpson Music Production

Memórias do Vento (Album)

Release date: 11 December 2020

UPC/EAN 5059580732899


Record label: Carlos Simpson Music Production

Memórias do Vento Artist: Carlos Simpson Release date: 11 December 2020 Record label: Carlos Simpson Music Production

Illegal Migrant (Album)

Release date: 21 October 2020

UPC/EAN 5059580643393


Record label: Carlos Simpson Music Production

Memórias do Vento Artist: Carlos Simpson Release date: 11 December 2020 Record label: Carlos Simpson Music Production

Tribal Soul (Album)

Release date: 19 December 2020

UPC/EAN 5059580736927


Record label: Carlos Simpson Music Production

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Carlos Simpson publications indexed by Google.

• "Carlos Simpson's homepage at the University of the West of England".

• "Carlos Simpson – Signs of Fingerprints". 2021.
